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Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
Posted on 02/14/2025 23:32 PM (Church of the Nativity)
Friends of Nativity church hispanic ministry, you're invited to take part in the most delicious fundraiser of the year. By ordering a dozen (or two) original glazed doughnuts, 50% of the order will be donated back to Nativity...
Blood Drive This Sunday
Posted on 02/13/2025 20:00 PM (Church of the Nativity)
The next blood drive is February 16th. Go to to schedule and use code Nativity to sign up!
Fr. Jerry on: Detachment - Sunday, February 16th
Posted on 02/12/2025 14:49 PM (Church of the Nativity)
Sunday, February 16, 2025 | Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time | Luke 6:17, 20–26 Friends, our Gospel for today is Luke’s version of the Beatitudes, less well known than Matthew’s but actually punchier, more to the point. It...
Fr. Jerry on: Cyril, Methodius, & Valentine: pray for us! (Feb. 14th)
Posted on 02/12/2025 14:36 PM (Church of the Nativity)
Happy Valentines Day! On a day often preoccupied with a more caricatured version of love, it's a good reminder that true love—in our relationship with God, romantic relationships, and relationships with family and...
No Faith Formation Feb 12th & 16th
Posted on 02/12/2025 14:00 PM (Church of the Nativity)
No Faith Formation on February 12th and 16th. Confirmation Retreat for Confirmation 2 students is February 23rd, from 2-8pm
Huey Bourque Funeral Home
Posted on 02/11/2025 13:28 PM (Church of the Nativity)
Mass of Christian Burial for long time parishioner Mr. Huey Bourque, will be Friday, Feb. 14 at 11:00. Visitation will be in the church narthex at 10:15
Nativity 55+ Fellowship February Meeting
Posted on 02/10/2025 16:00 PM (Church of the Nativity)
Our February meeting will be February 13th (the day before valentines) in the narthex at 1-3pm. Keep that in mind! We talked about everyone bringing a blanket or throw for the Food Pantry to distribute. These items can be for...
Fr, Jerry Help needed
Posted on 02/8/2025 16:41 PM (Church of the Nativity)
We have an individual who has no transportation. She lives near the Spring Hill Library. If you can help please contact Fr Jerry
Huey Bourque Funeral
Posted on 02/7/2025 21:29 PM (Church of the Nativity)
Because of unforeseen situations, Mr Bourque’s funeral has been postponed. We will send out more information soon
Women Friends in Faith Prayer Group
Posted on 02/7/2025 16:14 PM (Church of the Nativity)
All “Women Friends in Faith” are invited to join a Prayer Group for Women - Sharing the Word of God. We meet every Monday downstairs in room 104 at 10:00 AM to 11:15”ish”AM. Dear Women of Church of the Nativity, are you...