Love God, Love Others, Make Disciples

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How do I register?
Download and print this form or they are available at the top of the stairs in the Narthex.     
Nativity Registration English      Nativity Registro Español

Online Registration Form

When is confession available?
After 9 am Daily Mass, Saturday, 3:30 to 4:30 pm, and after Wedendsay eveng Mass until 7 pm.  For other times call Father Jerry at 615-794-4004 ext 4.

Spanish Confessions
Sunday at 12:00pm and 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 6:30 pm

Where should I park?
Come around to the back of the church, this is the main entrance to the Narthex and Sanctuary.

What is the physical address?

2793 Buckner Lane
Thompson’s Station, TN 37179