Love God, Love Others, Make Disciples

Parish Registration

Register as a Parishioner
Download and print this form or copies are available at the welcome desk and top of the stairs in the Narthex.   Please turn in completed forms to the welcome desk or the church office.   
Nativity Registration English      Nativity Registro Español


Fill out the online form and it will be automatically sent to the Parish Office. 

Catholic Church of the Nativity Registration Form

Heads of Household

Please choose all that apply.

Please choose all that apply.

The life of a Christian steward is lived as a disciple of Christ.
The future of our church is the future for our children and all souls.

Children living at address listed at the beginning of this form.

Following Jesus is the work of a lifetime. At every step forward, one is challenged to go further in accepting and loving God’s will. Being a disciple is not just something else to do, alongside many other things suitable for Christians, it is a total way of life and requires continuing conversion.

I am interested in more information on the following ministries


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