Love God, Love Others, Make Disciples

Facility Request Form

Please check on the Calendar for your date prior to filling out form at
Consulte el calendario para conocer su fecha antes de completar el formulario en


To fill out electronically, continue below or there are copies available at the top and bottom of the stairs at church.

For Spanish Electronic Form click HERE.

Facility Request Form

*If you will be using the kitchen, please complete the kitchen checklist at the end of your event.

*If you answered yes to any of the last four questions, please email any flyers, pictures, and or the exact wording, of your message about the event to: the communications committee calendar@nativitycatholic.net or let us know if you would like assistance with a sign/flyer.

*You must provide wording for the bulletin and all entries need to be submitted 2 Fridays (8 days) before it is published in the bulletin. Please send to calendar@nativitycatholic.net

If you need an altar announcement, please contact Fr. Jerry directly.

This facility request does not guarantee your time slot on the calendar. You will receive confirmation from the Communications Committee. Please be aware that Sacraments and education come first when scheduling.









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