Love God, Love Others, Make Disciples

FF Grade 2

Grade 2   Meeting Jesus in Reconciliation and Eucharist

  • Baptism is a call to follow Jesus
  • What is sin; Mortal and Venial
  • What is Reconciliation, Confession, Contrition, Penance and Absolution; why is it necessary?  (Mortal Sins and why is it advantages if you go without serious sin)
  • How to celebrate Reconciliation
  • The presence of Jesus in the Community
  • What does Eucharist mean
  • What is the Eucharist, Bread and Wine: Body and Blood
  • How to receive the Eucharist worthily
  • Introduction to the Mass (general) and Reverence at Mass (participation and manners)

Scripture:  The Passion, Institution of the Sacrament of Confession and Eucharist (Last Supper)

Sacraments: Reconciliation and Eucharist

INTEGRATION: Prayer (personal and communal) Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Act of Contrition, Creed 10 commandments, retreats.

Saints: Patron Saints of Individuals