“Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear!”
The Scriptural Story of the Visitation Mystery in Luke 1:39-56 is the inspiration for the Elizabeth Ministry.
This ministry at COTN, hopes to encourage, educate, and equip those seeking to reclaim God's plan for relationships, and childbearing. We offer hope, help and healing related to the joys, challenges and sorrows of these intimate issues.
As with any volunteer-based program, the success is only as good as the people who volunteer. Our eclectic parish is perfect for this ministry. With the support and available resources from Elizabeth Ministries, most challenges can be overcome. The success of this ministry will be measured by the level of compassion, comfort and care provided to women and families in need through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and prayer.
For questions, contact:
Linda Wade (615)554-2007
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