Love God, Love Others, Make Disciples

Christmas Basket Week

Catholic Church of the Nativity
Christmas Basket Week 
December 10-16

Families of the parish began the Christmas Basket giving program back in 2009 as an initiative to bring assistance to those in need in the Spring Hill-Columbia area during Advent. At that time, our parish served 10 local families in need, now our parish serves 100 families! 

Those we assist receive: 
- 40 items of groceries
- Gifts for their children 
- A letter from our Pastor
- An invitation to join our parish to celebrate the Christmas season

Financially, Men’s Club provides close to $125 of material assistance to each family, couple, or individual in need. The financial proceeds we raise during the weekends of December 2-3 and 9-10 go exclusively to this parish outreach. 

If you’re new to the parish, or one of our many young families, consider beginning a family legacy of giving this year. We appreciate the financial assistance, but you can give in other ways too: 

- Magi Tree Gifts: These gifts are purchased on behalf of a child who may go without gifts this Christmas season.

- Gift Wrapping: Once all the Magi Tree gifts are accounted for, we throw a big Gift Wrapping party. Pizza and singing of Christmas songs while we wrap are all part of the family fun!

- Basket Delivery Day: Perhaps the most necessary and most meaningful way to participate. We need willing drivers to drop off both Magi Tree gifts and Christmas Basket grocery boxes to the families in need.

Christ, the Bread of Life, was laid in a manger at his birth after being wrapped by his beloved Mother. 

As the parish family of the Catholic Church of the Nativity, we continue to bring Christian charity to our brothers and sisters most in need. We invite you to continue our parish legacy of bringing Christ to all this coming Advent season!

Donate here today -  church-of-the-nativity.square.site

Timeline of Events 

Dec.2 & 3, 2023:     Annual Parish Appeal

Dec. 2 & 3 and Dec. 9 & 10, 2023:  Magi Tree Gift Tags on display in the Narthex

Dec. 9 & 10:            Toy/Gift Drop-Off before/during/after ALL MASSES (These should be placed across from the Magi Tree in the Narthex for those that had picked up their tags the week before).

Dec. 12 -16, 2023: CHRISTMAS BASKET WEEK

Dec. 13, 2023:        Assembly of the boxes - Narthex

Dec. 14, 2023:       Pick up of non-perishable groceries – 6:30 AM – St. Phillips AND deliver and pack into boxes - Narthex

Dec. 14, 2023:       Toy/Gift Drop – 5-8 PM – Rm 104 Downstairs

Dec. 15, 2023:       Gift Wrapping Party – Narthex – 6 PM

Dec. 16, 2023:       Delivery of Christmas Baskets & Gift Bags to families - 7:45 AM