Love God, Love Others, Make Disciples

Announcements for the Week

THIS WEEK AT NATIVITY  -    October 20

Queen of Families Mass

Please join Bishop Spalding on Sunday, October 27th at 2:30 p.m. at the Cathedral of the Incarnation for the first annual Queen of Families Mass for those who have experienced the loss of a child at any stage of life, before or after birth.

In order to gather information, it is imperative that EVERYONE register as a member of Nativity.

From October to May, Nativity will present Theology of the Body for our Teens and Adults. There will be eight meetings, once a month. The talks and videos will be presented by Ms. Jessamyn Anderson Frain, a trainee in the Theology of the Body Institute. Theology of the Body is from the teachings of St. John Paul II on the dignity of the human body. Every teen and adult is welcome to participate, but you must sign up. Contact, the Youth Director, Ms. Mendez listed on the bulletin.

The Fall Festival will be held on Saturday October 26 11:00 - 5:00

Kids games and bounce houses, Food, Beer & wine, Craft vendors, Silent auction trick or treat candy for all kids in costumes. The WGON will be collecting candy in the narthex in the marked containers for the children.

Nativity will be collecting needed items for our neighbors in East Tennessee over the next 2 weekends. Items needed and collections are located in the narthex.  The delivery will be made on Oct. 22. You can also go to the diocesan website to donate financially.

Bishop’s Annual Appeal is winding down; we are almost to 54% of our goal. It is a good opportunity to support the programs of the diocese which serve the entire Catholic Community. Next weekend we celebrate Priesthood Sunday. Collections to assist the seminarians on that day are counted as contributions to the Bishop’s Appeal.

Our Faith Formation program is looking to expand our program for children with special needs. We are gathering information to assess the need for this program. There is a hard copy form at the top of the stairs to return to the office and also a form on-line.